
At the point of a knife

Such A Magpie

The artist who I’m about to briefly introduce is one who has been on the edge of my knowledge for the last three or so years. Annoyingly his name doesn’t give much to hang onto, but his work is very distinctive –

Reuben Paterson

Born 1973 in Auckland, Paterson has very strong cultural roots which comes through in his work. His work toys with the idea of kitsch, but there are more serious undertones which are apparent when you take time to understand the work. What looks almost like cheap appropriation actually speaks of death, memory and history.

When the Sun Rises and the Shadows Flee, 2005. From Beloved exhibition at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery

Whakapapa: Get Down Upon Your Knees, 2009

There look like a lot of interesting videos by The Real Art Roadshow, definitely worth the wait while my internet drives me crazy.

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This entry was posted on March 28, 2012 by in Art, Dunedin School of Art, Painting and tagged .

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